About Us
Welcome to The Other Way Martial Consulting, where we explore the powerful intersection of martial arts and life philosophy. We invite you to pause for a moment and learn a little more about us and our unique approach. Our mission is to empower individuals like you with a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. We do this through the principles of Kyo-Jitsu Ryu, a principle-based system designed to help you enhance your safety and confidence in virtually any situation.
The Core Principles of Kyo-Jitsu Ryu
At the heart of our system lies the Kyo-Jitsu Ryu philosophy. It encompasses core principles distilled from centuries of martial arts study and practical application. These principles guide every aspect of our training and include:
- Bio-mechanics: Learn to maximize efficiency and effectiveness in movement and conflict resolution by understanding the optimal use of human physiology.
- Leverage: Discover the strategic application of force and momentum to achieve desired outcomes with minimal effort.
- Gravity-Based Principles: Master the use of gravity as a tool for improved balance, stability, and traction.
- Self-Control: Cultivate mastery of your emotions, thoughts, and actions to maintain harmony and composure in all situations.
- Conflict Management: Develop effective strategies for resolving conflicts through de-escalation, negotiation, and strategic retreat.
- Psychological Principles: Gain a profound understanding of human psychology and behavior to navigate complex social dynamics and build strong relationships.
- Philosophical Principles: Integrate wisdom and values from various philosophical traditions to inform your decision-making and guide your personal growth.
By combining these principles and many more with practical application, our system aims to help you navigate life’s challenges with confidence and clarity.
Meet Sensei Duncan: Your Guide on the Martial Arts Journey
As the founder of The Other Way Martial Consulting, I’m Sensei Duncan, a martial artist with over 45 years of experience. I’m also a seasoned instructor with more than 30 years dedicated to teaching. My journey in martial arts began on my 8th birthday. Since then, I’ve devoted myself to mastering various systems, with a particular focus on Kyo-Jitsu Ryu. Through extensive study and practice, I’ve developed a deep understanding of the core principles that form the foundation of this unique, principle-based martial system.
Your Free Gift: A Martial Arts Cheat Sheet
As a token of our appreciation for your interest in The Other Way Martial Consulting, we’re offering a FREE CHEAT SHEET. This resource highlights principles all martial arts share. Simply click the link below to download your free cheat sheet and begin exploring the principles of Kyo-Jitsu Ryu.
Download Your Free Cheat Sheet Now!
Explore More Resources
If you’re interested in learning more about us, “The Other Way Martial Consulting”, we invite you to visit our Facebook page and YouTube channel. Stay tuned for upcoming content that delves deeper into the principles of Kyo-Jitsu Ryu, tools to help you stay safe, and the overall martial arts journey.